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A Visit from the Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland
On the afternoon of June 5, Ms. Yalin Fan, the China Admissions Officer of Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland(Hereinafter referred to as EHL) ranking the first in the world in hotel management, visited Yinxing and gave a special lecture entitled "Entering the World Famous school-Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland"...
07 November 2019   Read More >
Yinxing Presented at the APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference in Hong Kong
On May 22, 2019, the First APacChrie & EuroChrie Joint Conference cum the 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference were held in HongKong. The theme of the conference is "East Meets West in Hospitality & Tourism Education", aiming at exchanging frontier research, building a platform for cooperation, guiding the de...
07 November 2019   Read More >
SEG Swiss Hotel Education Group visited Yinxing
On April 15, Mr. R. Max Behesht, President ofCesar Ritz Colleges, Swiss Education Group (SEG), and Mr. Li Hengtong, representative of Swiss Education Group (SEG), visited Yinxing and gave academic lectures. Dr.Fu Jing, Vice President of Yinxing, Ms. Xu Junyi, Acting Director of the Department of HotelManagement, and M...
07 November 2019   Read More >
Experts of Hong Kong Poly U DiscussedPractical Teaching Model of Hotel Management
To further improve the quality of practical teaching for the hotel management major in Yinxing, Dr. Tony Tse, Professor of Practice of School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Poly U, delivered a lecture on the topic of “Practical Teaching of Hotel and Modern Service Industry: Resource Building and Application” on March 30...
07 November 2019   Read More >
A Delegation from Marriott International Group Paid a Visit
On March 6, 2019, a delegation of 10 members of the Marriott International Group visited Yinxing. Chairman Fang Gongyu, executive director Tian Tao, senior management team of Ginkgo Education Group, Party and government leaders as well as staff from related departments of Yinxing Hospitality Management College participated in the reception...
07 November 2019   Read More >
The Collaboration between Yinxing and Hong Kong Poly U Goes Smoothly
On the morning of September 5, 2019, Dr. Prathana Kannaovakun, deputy principal of teaching in charge of Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus), Thailand, and Dr. Pornpissanu Promsivapallop, Dean of Prince of Songkhla University (Phuket Campus) Hotel and Tourism College visited our school. The dean of the college warmly welcome...
17 January 2019   Read More >

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  No.60, North 2nd Section, Guangchang Road, Hongguang Town, Pidu District, Chengdu , Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Chengdu Campus )

  No.18, Fenghuang Avenue, Nanxi District, Yibin, Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Yibin Campus)