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Yinxing Presented at the APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference in Hong Kong

Source:admin    Time:2019-11-07 14:26:54

On May 22, 2019, the First APacChrie & EuroChrie Joint Conference cum the 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference were held in HongKong. The theme of the conference is "East Meets West in Hospitality & Tourism Education", aiming at exchanging frontier research, building a platform for cooperation, guiding the development of education and leading the future of the industry. The joint conference is the largest and most influential international academic summit in the field of hospitality, catering and tourism so far. It has held more than 500 keynote speeches, theme forums, editors-in-chief forums of international academic journals, round table discussions, school-enterprise dialogues, industry forums and other venues. The conference has attracted nearly 800 participants from universities, enterprises and governments from 42 countries/regions around the world. As one of the strategic partners of this conference, the delegation of Yinxing and Gingko Education Group launched a comprehensive exchange and discussion with the attendees, established contacts with excellent hotels and restaurant management schools and tourism management schools worldwide, promoted the brand of "Yinxing Hospitality Education", shared the idea of running a school, and explored the next step of in-depth cooperation mode.


The Delegation of Yinxing and Gingko Education Group

· Admission Consultation : 86-28-87979123 87979222 

· Official Website : (CN)

· College Mailbox :

· Address : 

  No.60, North 2nd Section, Guangchang Road, Hongguang Town, Pidu District, Chengdu , Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Chengdu Campus )

  No.18, Fenghuang Avenue, Nanxi District, Yibin, Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Yibin Campus)