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Sign! Open a nNew Chapter of School-Government Cooperation!
In order to further strengthen the school-government cooperation and collaborative innovation, improve the quality of talent training, and enrich and deepen the cooperation and exchanges between the two sides in terms of production, education and research, Ginkgo College and Wusheng County People's Government signed a strategic cooperation framewo...
18 November 2023   Read More >
New Ideas for Employment Education in Gingko College: The 3rd China University Employment Education Conference and Supply-Demand Docking Project Exchange Matchmaking Meeting
In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council on the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, promote the organic linkage between school talent training and employment, deepen the effective docking of talent supply and demand, accurately implement the school-enterprise cooper...
19 October 2023   Read More >
2023 Fall Semester "Lesson One" Teaching Inspection
On September 4, 2023, Party and government leaders Wang Zhengshu, Party Secretary and provincial government Supervisor, Yu Yuan, Executive director, Wei Zhao, principal and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Yang Longtao, executive principal, led a team to carry out the teaching inspection of the "First lesson" in the ...
04 September 2023   Read More >
Gingko Talents: Go-out Teaching & Research Activities
In order to further guide teachers to establish advanced education concepts, learn advanced experience in college education and teaching, understand the needs of talents in the industry, guide the construction of teaching majors, teaching organizations and teaching methods to improve constantly, and promote the reform of curriculum teaching and the improvem...
17 May 2023   Read More >
Gingko College was Invited to Attend the 21st Joint Meeting of Deans, Department Heads and Professional Leaders of Tourism Schools of National Universities
From May 19 to 21, it was organized by National Virtual Teaching and Research Office of Tourism Management of Ministry of Education and National Alliance of Universities and Colleges for Tourism, co-organized by Guiding Committee of Undergraduate Tourism Management Teaching of Universities and Colleges in Hubei Province, Research C...
22 May 2023   Read More >
The Teaching and Research Activities of Gingko College
In order to further guide teachers to set up advanced educational concepts, learn advanced experience in education and teaching in colleges and universities, understand the needs of talents in the industry, guide the construction of teaching specialty, teaching organization and continuous improvement of teaching methods, promote the reform of our school'...
17 May 2023   Read More >
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 (The Chengdu Campus )

  No.18, Fenghuang Avenue, Nanxi District, Yibin, Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Yibin Campus)