Yan Kai: Education is People Illuminating People

Yan Kai

In 2017, enrolled in the Department of Business English, Foreign Languages College, Chengdu Ginkgo Hotel Management College

2021, Entered Southwest University of Finance and Economics as a postgraduate student majoring in English Interpretation

In 2023, he will become an English teacher at Chengdu Experimental Foreign Language School.

At first sight, it's hard to associate Yan Kai with a teacher. Wearing a white t-shirt and black-framed glasses, he looks more like a college student.

"In my first year as a teacher, I was stopped several times by the school's gatekeeper." Yan Kai said with a smile, the gatekeeper thought he was still a student, and each time he had to double-check before letting him enter the school gate.



Ginkgo "Yan Kai, the Invisible Man

Since I was a child, I have been relatively introverted, I don't like to communicate with others and express myself, in short, I'm a "sociopath".

When I first entered Ginkgo, I was at a loss for what to do.  

Almost every day, I lived a life of three points and one line: classroom - dormitory - canteen.

"I guess I was an 'invisible man' in the eyes of the teachers."

At that time, the school provided a lot of platforms for English speech competitions to hone our English speaking skills and boost our self-confidence.

But I never signed up for them. I didn't think I was good enough or confident enough. Until one English speech competition, the teacher explicitly asked the students who had never participated in the competition to speak on stage.

I had no choice but to do it.

"Once on stage my face was red, and did not dare to look at the teachers and students, the whole person is very tense."

After the first "forced" to participate in the competition, I was still apprehensive but received a QQ message.

The QQ message was from Sister Jia.

Who is Sister Jia?

She is Li Jiaqin, the teacher who teaches us English writing and is affectionately called Jia by her classmates.

"I didn't realise that this seemingly ordinary message would light up this 'invisible person'.



--- Ginkgo Income ---

The essence of education is that people light up people

Until now I still clearly remember every word in the message:

"I think you are a bit low profile oh, many competitors can not see you, I hope to see more in the future."

Although I felt the teacher's recognition and encouragement from between the lines.

But the formal me only returned a thank you to the teacher.

From then on, whenever there was an English speech contest.

Jia would communicate with me on QQ in advance and repeatedly encouraged me to participate.

I was too embarrassed to refuse her kind words.

As I participated in more and more speech contests, I received more and more praise and encouragement.

As I participated in more and more speech contests, I received more and more praise and encouragement.

It turned out that it was not as difficult as I thought to express myself bravely.

Without realising it, I became more and more confident.

Jia and I became more and more familiar.


One day, Jia told me that she had noticed me.

She thought I had strong English learning ability.

It's just that my introversion, sensitivity and lack of self-confidence prevented me from showing it.

She has been waiting for a suitable time to approach me and guide me in a way that I can accept.

After the first speech contest, she sent me a QQ message to encourage me, which was the best opportunity and way she found.

To be honest, I didn't expect my teacher to pay so much attention to an ordinary student like me, to pay so much attention to details, to respect my feelings.

It turns out that I am not the "invisible man" I thought I was in the eyes of my teacher!

Luo Zhenyu once said in his New Year's Eve speech, "Time's Friend", that the essence of the course is to stimulate endowment:

The essence of curriculum is to stimulate the endowment, the essence of education is to illuminate people.

And I am the one who is lit up.



What Ginkgo has gained

The temperature of education infects me

Ginkgo is not the only teacher who lit me up.


Wen (Miss Fan Wen) taught us Business English Audio-Visual Speaking.

She may look cold, but she is not cold to her students.

Whenever I participated in an English speech competition, Wen would work with me to polish my speech and correct my pronunciation of every single English word, striving for perfection.

"You have a talent for speaking English, you need to work harder on your speaking and turn your speciality into a speciality."

Wen's words made me strengthen my English speaking practice, and when I was interned in my senior year, Wen helped me to contact a translation company to practice my speaking ability.

And I didn't disappoint my teacher's efforts and expectations.

During the school period, I passed the English 8 examination with good grades and decided to go to graduate school.

Wen, as my graduate school advisor, gave me a lot of professional guidance, and when I encountered difficulties, she always solved the problem with me the first time.

In the end, I got a graduate degree in English Interpretation from Southwest University of Finance and Economics.

"That is also Wen's alma mater, and Wen is not only my teacher but also my elder sister."

And Sister Ru (Teacher Yang Yinru), Sister Li (Teacher Yin Li), Sister Qian (Teacher Li Qian), Sister Na (Teacher Rao Na) ......

All these teachers have given me a lot of help and warmth.

Teaching is all about people and students.

This is not just a slogan in Ginkgo.

The Ginkgo teachers in my eyes start from the details, pay attention to the students and teach them according to their characteristics.

They love and respect students from the bottom of their hearts.

I'm grateful to them. They've changed me.

I am very grateful to them. They have changed me and made the school come alive in my eyes.

So when I graduated from graduate school, I didn't hesitate to become a teacher.

Nowadays, when I encounter difficulties in my work, I still ask for advice from my former teachers, such as Jia and Wen.

In my opinion, teacher ethics is one of the most crucial components in the great cause of education.

Ginkgo teachers influence their students with their good teacher ethics.



Gingko Spirit Alumni Talk

The foundation of education is to build up people with moral values

Attaching importance to details, teaching according to student's abilities, and teaching people tirelessly are the teacher's virtues.

Loving students, paying attention to them and respecting them are teacher ethics.

Good teacher ethics is not only the personal quality of Ginkgo teachers, but also the underlying spirit of Ginkgo.

It is also the source of the spirit of Ginkgo.

It is also the source of the spirit of Ginkgo, but also the key to reflecting the spirit of Ginkgo in my eyes.

Once, Ginkgo teachers let me feel the temperature and power of education.

Now, I have taken over the "baton" of education from Mr Ginkgo.

I will pass on the spirit of Ginkgo in my future education career. 

I will pass on the spirit of Gingko in my future education career to influence and change more students.



 ---A message to my younger siblings...

Inherit the Spirit with Bones

I hope that the younger siblings will keep their desire for knowledge and love for life.

Be a person with a temperature and do things with height.

Inherit the spirit of the Ginkgo people with the bones of the Ginkgo people.

To change themselves, to influence others.

Use your pen as a sword to cut through the thorns.

Dream as a horse, not to live up to the greatness.

May the younger siblings have stars in their eyes and flowers in their hearts.

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Yang Honghao: Pragmatism Goes With Growth

Seven years after graduation, and then in Yibin County Bureau of Statistics to see Yang Honghao, when the country to carry out the fifth economic census work, busy, he can only use the work gap to chat.

After many years, Yang Honghao can still say the school motto of Ginkgo School, "Service nurtures knowledge and action".

"The four years of Ginkgo is a turning point in my life, and it has benefited me a lot".



--What Ginkgo saw--

The collision of "looseness" and "ruthlessness

"You will not regret going to this college."

These words from my uncle made me choose Ginkgo College after some hesitation.

When I entered the college campus, free from parental control, I suddenly felt a sense of 'relaxation'.

I was often absent-minded in class and spent a lot of time playing games outside of class.

Because of this, my counsellor, Mr Ni, talked to me many times, but with little success.

At that time, I had no plan for the future, "just live one day at a time".

I have to thank Mr Ginkgo, who didn't want me to "slack off".

You know, there's a kind of bragging right in college called "My teacher is really 'tough'"!




Teachers make "pragmatism" tangible

"Yang Honghao, get up."

One morning, when I was in a daze, I suddenly heard someone calling my name, and when I opened my eyes I saw that it was my counsellor, Mr Ni.

From that day on, after arriving at school at 7am every morning, Mr Ni would go straight to the dormitory and call me to have breakfast with him, remembering my timetable even better than I did.

After eating, he would urge me to go to class. If there was no class, he would ask me to join him in the library. He worked and I studied, and every day was full of time arranged by Mr Ni.

Throughout the semester, the "close contact" with Mr Ni made me get used to him from the very beginning.

In fact, at first I didn't understand this teacher, I thought he was quite "tough", how could he wake me up every day without fail and supervise my study? Later I learnt that it wasn't "tough" but rather his pragmatism and sense of responsibility towards his work - in his work credo he would not give up on any student; he would go physically and practically to help the students, to influence the students, to change the students.

In the past, I thought "pragmatic" was a very vague word, but Mr Ginkgo made the word "pragmatic" concrete.



--What Ginkgo has learned--

No formality, no surface

When I was a sophomore in college, my father was hospitalised with a sudden stroke. As I looked at my emaciated father lying on the hospital bed, a question that Mr Ni had repeatedly asked me came to my mind: "Do you want to choose a good future or enjoy the moment? How can you protect the people you love?

After my father was discharged from hospital, I returned to school and changed from "I want to learn" to "I want to study". I was so determined to catch up on all the schoolwork I had missed that I didn't even notice when Mr Ni stopped waking me up to study. "If you study hard, you'll definitely get something out of it." I still remember the look of relief on Mr Ni's face when he said that.

When I was a junior, I passed the accountant's qualification exam; when I was a senior, I took the initiative to ask to go back to school to prepare for the civil service exam, and successfully entered the Gongxian Bureau of Statistics in my hometown.

After entering the Bureau of Statistics, I started from the grassroots census work, participated in three large-scale censuses, and then gradually involved in the field of investment, accounting, integrated three professional statistical work.

In my opinion, statistical work is the barometer of the national economy, but also an important work of national macro-control and management, this work can not be mixed with a little false water, statistics must be true and reliable, pragmatic will be a big problem, pragmatic is the cornerstone of good statistical work.

Whether as a grassroots demographer or deputy director, I adhere to the work of focusing on practical results, not in form, not superficial, are my work since I have been working to maintain the attitude of the work, but also from the ginkgo harvested the greatest wealth.




--Ginkgo Spirit Alumni Talks---

Pragmatism, stability and prosperityThe sense of responsibility and mission of the Ginkgo teachers still impresses me today.In addition to attention to detail and responsibility, I personally feel that "pragmatism and steadfastness are the key to success" is the Gingko Spirit in my eyes.In my opinion, pragmatism is a kind of spirit, a quality of thinking and an attitude to life and work.In Ginkgo teachers, I see the embodiment of a serious and responsible attitude to work and a rigorous and pragmatic working style. No empty words, no rhetoric, the pursuit of the practical, with the ability to speak.Only down-to-earth learning and working, steady and good every step of the way, in order to go further.





--A message to the younger students--

You can't write a wonderful life with a few lines.I am very happy to see that my alma mater has become a national first-class undergraduate hotel management professional construction institution, as a Ginkgo people. I hope that my younger siblings can practice the spirit of pragmatism of Ginkgo people, adhere to the original spirit, ride the waves, down-to-earth, pragmatic people. Your wonderful life cannot be written in a few strokes.


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Liu Jia : Serving the community to make a better ME

On July 20th, the torch relay of the 31st World University Summer Games started in Chengdu. Liu Jia, an excellent alumni of the Department of Business Administration of Gingko College of Hospitaility Management in 2008, participated in the torch relay as the 83rd torchbearer. She impressed us with her high spirits in the torch relay.

After graduation to work, Liu Jia has won the "national women's achievements pacesetter", Sichuan Province "March 8 Red flag", poverty alleviation "five one" advanced individuals and other honors, and has been interviewed by media at all levels for many times because of her outstanding work.  So, how did Liu Jia come to the present achievement step by step?


I can't hide my excitement at being invited to be a torch bearer.

When it comes to the torchbearer, the enthusiastic and cheerful Liu Jia gushed, and she recalled the situation when she received the phone call from the organizing committee.  On May 8, 2023, the Youth League Committee of Jianyang City recommended Liu Jia to the Universiade Organizing Committee as a torchbearer for the Universiade, but the entire Youth League Committee recommended only one person, which certainly made Liu Jia grateful and excited.

However, the fretting wait of more than two months was not easy.  On the one hand, Liu Jia is not sure whether he can be selected.  From excitement to doubt, Liu Jia spends every day in the torment of waiting;  On the one hand, Liu Jia got up at 5 o 'clock every morning and rode a 10km bicycle to exercise his body and prepare for the torchbearer.

Finally, at the moment of receiving the phone call from the organizing committee on July 18, Liu Jia breathed a complete sigh of relief, indicating that he had officially become the 83rd torchbearer of the torch relay.


On the day of the torch relay, on the tens of meters relay road at the scene, Liu Jia received the torch from the hand of the vice president of our school, Zha Shijun, the moment he was nervous and excited.  As an outstanding alumnus of Ginkgo and an outstanding worker recognized by the society, Liu Jia touched the sacred torch for the first time, and felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.  Restraining his inner excitement, Liu Jia waved to the students on both sides while running, with a smile on his face all the time, and ran to the hand over the baton.  In Liu Jia's words, although only a few tens of meters, but this road is a road of glory, but also a symbol of their new starting point.

After completing the torch relay, Liu Jia returned to Jianyang with this honor, and relatives and friends around him rushed to take photos.  The torch held in his hand, the sports clothes of the organizing committee, the work plate and other related items of the Universiade were all brought back to the collection of Liu Jia, this exclusive memory is very unforgettable.

Take work seriously and be a practical man

In 2005, Liu Jia entered Ginkgo, majoring in marketing.  During the study period, Liu Jia cherished the university time and studied professional knowledge seriously.  Although he did not engage in related majors after graduation, Liu Jia said that the knowledge he learned in university was like some treasures at the bottom of the pressure box.  After work and life, he could immediately turn the knowledge out and use it.

Liu Jia remembers the teacher who taught him real estate and law knowledge at that time, and the knowledge he learned was brought to his future work.  Liu Jia's words repeatedly mentioned, full of gratitude.

After graduation, Liu Jia chose to return to his hometown Jianyang to serve in the front line.  From taking up the burden of poverty alleviation in the countryside to urban governance work, Liu Jia is down-to-earth to face the needs of the masses and solve the difficulties of the masses regardless of the work.


If you want to ask what the autumn fruit is tired, the spring wind and rain are drizzling.  In 2021, as deputy leader of Jianyang Comprehensive Administrative law enforcement Brigade, Liu Jia won the title of "National Women's achievements Pacesetter".  As the first secretary of the village, Liu Jia takes the village as his home, walks on the road of poverty alleviation, and becomes the "woman man" who the villagers refuse to leave.  Back to the unit, Liu Jia to take up the responsibility of urban governance, to create health inspection, stick to the post;  With the advent of the new coronavirus, she ensured logistics and sent epidemic prevention supplies to front-line law enforcement personnel.  In daily life and work, she helps employees solve difficulties, helps the lost elderly go home, helps the next building to put out the fire...



Since the beginning of study, Liu Jia has always remembered the school motto of "service to develop knowledge and action", abides by the teacher's earnest instruction, with a pair of clear and deep black eyes, a crisp voice, a sincere and kind heart, and constantly make contributions to the society.  Liu Jia said that while studying at Ginkgo, he worked hard to learn professional knowledge and skills, only to achieve a better self;  After entering the work, I become a better person to work hard, serve the society, and create value.  Similarly, the results of work and social feedback also make me a better person.

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Jiang Yaoyu:

Learn & Dare & Realize

——On the Road to Entrepreneurship, I Learn to Dream, Dare to Dream, and Finally Realize the Dream.

Recently, jiang Yaoyu, an alumnus of the Department of Tourism Management of 2002, was invited back to his Alma mater by the alumni Association of our college and held an alumni sharing meeting about entrepreneurship and employment for students in Simple Coffee.


Entering Gingko college  

Learn how to adapt new environment

In 2002, Jiang Yaoyu enrolled in the department of Tourism Management of our college.  When other peers were still fresh and ignorant, Jiang Yaoyu knew his own interests and hobbies, and made plans and committed himself to achieving his goals. 

With a clear goal in mind, he made many friends during his study at Ginkgo college and always put his study first. By consulting people in different fields around him, his knowledge in all aspects improved by leaps and bounds. Another way for Jiang to acquire knowledge was reading.  The habit of reading that he has kept since college continues to this day. Reading and making friends helped Jiang Yaoyu to open up a wider cognitive world and made him marvel that the world was so big that he should dare to fight without fear of losing. 

The increase of knowledge helps his study soar. Jiang Yaoyu did not join any associations or departments at school, he devoted himself to his studies. Through the teaching mode of Industry and Education, Jiang Yaoyu found that his major had more possibilities to explore. He kept "opening his imagination" and looking for opportunities, instead of wasting his college days.


Starting own business  

Always be diligent and thoughtful  

Diligent in thinking and unwilling to be dull, Jiang Yaoyu resigned from the position of vice president of marketing in an Internet medical company and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. Now, through patient exploration, Jiang Yaoyu has become the founder of Sichuan She Ji Er Shang Catering Management Co., LTD. Behind this great success, Jiang Yaoyu has worked hard for nearly 15 years. As a mature entrepreneur nearly 40 years old, the story of how Jiang Yaoyu and the catering industry forged indissoluble bond was known to all. 

At first, Jiang wanted to make chicken intestines. Chicken intestines are a childhood memory for many people. They are crispy and sweet and come in a variety of flavors on the market.  "We live in Sichuan, and people in Sichuan love to eat and have unique tastes, so I immediately thought of the things we've all eaten."  Jiang Yaoyu said he decided to make some creative dishes and in this way to make them bigger and stronger.  

"I’m a fan of homophonic puns, so my brand is closely related to homophonic puns. The first brand was called “Xiao Du Ji Chang”, so everyone thought my last name was Du."  Jiang Yaoyu joked with a smile. 

“A well-managed brand culture can make products at a premium and cultivate high-quality customers in private domain.” Years of entrepreneurial experience let Jiang Yaoyu talk freely at the sharing meeting. He said the secrets for the growth of Jiang Yaoyu's brand all the way are an impressive brand name, distinctive products and doing what accurate target customers like.


Being disciplined  

Knowledge reserve helps him to upgrade the road of entrepreneurship  

I like to read, and I like to share the good books I have read with others. Jiang Yaoyu has recommended the book "A Day in the Life of the Brain" to people around him more than once. The book mainly tells what happens in our brains when we taste food, walk, work, and dream. He hopes that through this book, employees can think more and make good use of their brains.

Jiang Yaoyu is grateful for his college experience in Ginkgo, he said: "It is precisely because of my study and reading in Ginkgo that I have strengthened my thinking ability, that I have been able to work steadily and thoughtfully on the way to start a business, avoiding many mistakes in major decisions".

Due to the repeated pandemic, some caterings have been affected, but Jiang Yaoyu and the team overcome the difficulties together. He also hopes to strengthen the cohesion of the core team through this difficulty. "Reading habits will really help you, because the cognitive structure determines the way you think, and even determines your height." Jiang Yaoyu admitted that many difficult times were accompanied by the knowledge reserves he once had.

Jiang Yaoyu hopes that Ginkgo students can cherish the time in college, cherish the most splendid years in their lives, dream and make dreams at the age when they can realize their dreams the most.

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