Campus Life
Campus Life

Taste Kores, Discover Korean Culture

Source:Global Engagement Center    Time:2021-03-22 17:09:20

A new cross-cultural exchange activity between China and South Korea began on March 17, 2021. This activity marked the first time this year that Gingko College invited foreign guests to hold an offline intercultural lecture.



The guest speaker, Ms Cho Seo Jin is a Korean graduate from Fudan University, China, engaged in catering and tourism work with her family in Chengdu. Ms Cho is the founder of a Korean-style coffee studio with her husband Mr Kim Mu Sung and a Korean restaurant and has also been invited as a special guest on Chengdu television networks. During the event, Ms Cho introduced Korean cuisine and restaurant etiquette and had a conversation with students in the Korean language. Finally, Ms Cho invited the students to make and sample classic Korean family food.

· Admission Consultation : 86-28-87979123 87979222 

· Official Website : (CN)

· College Mailbox :

· Address : 

  No.60, North 2nd Section, Guangchang Road, Hongguang Town, Pidu District, Chengdu , Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Chengdu Campus )

  No.18, Fenghuang Avenue, Nanxi District, Yibin, Sichuan, P.R.China.

 (The Yibin Campus)